What is Ingress?

Ingress is an augmented reality game which turns the world around you into a battlefield, with humankind’s minds at stake.

Play Ingress on the streets all over the world. Meet agents who play in the areas where you live and work, and fight with them to protect humanity’s freedom. Team up with agents you can depend on to help you when you need assistance in the field.

Download the mobile scanner app to discover thousands of portals around you. Buildings, historic landmarks and cultural points of interest become portals for you to fight for and defend from alien incursion.


By joining us, you’ll have access to regular events so you can stock up on gear, challenging operations so you can put your mark on the map, as well as help almost any time of the day or night.

Joining the community benefits you and everyone else — it takes eight level 8 players to make a level 8 portal, and the easier it is to coordinate with people, the more easily you’ll be able to gear up to take and hold your area.

Download Ingress

The best way to start your journey within the Resistance is by joining the One Ring – the Resistance Global Community – this will let your fellow agents know of your existence and allow them to contact you and add you to the local community channels.

The messaging apps that the Resistance operate on vary from region to region, but One Ring and the global Resistance use the Telegram – downloading it is encouraged for optimal experience.

To learn all the intricacies of Ingress, we recommend reading the Smurfling Guide – specifically created to help navigate new agents through the gameplay options.

There – you’re all set, agent!

We look forward to seeing your actions and reporting on your succesful operations on our Telegram channel – RGNN Ticker – join to always be up-to-date on the latest Ingress news!


Resistance News

Memories of +Alpha

Welcome Resistance friends, join us in re-living the epic +Alpha Anomaly Season through the photos and videos captured by our amazing Embedded Reporters. [...]

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The unlikely hero: the Green Bear of Coimbra

[EN]Last Saturday, more than 30 Resistance agents gathered in Coimbra, Portugal, for the Shard Battle event! As dawn broke, the first agents began to converge on the historic city of [...]

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What a f*cking idea!

[EN] In May 2024, overhearing a conversation in which players commented that they were accumulating scans to submit on Tuesdays, in order to earn double AP… a brilliant idea began [...]

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