Shared Memories are the best memories!

Though the Resistance came just shy of victory in the Shared Memories Anomaly series with a final score of:

RES 867 – 868 ENL

We celebrate the spirit, dedication, and resilience of every single agent around the world. Whether you:

💙 Participated in the global challenge in July, creating stunning linkstars or aimed for a medal tier.  
RES 101,9 – ENL 98,1

💙 Claimed your bounties in August  
RES 102,4 – ENL 97,6

💙 Battled fiercely in one of the 56 shard Skirmishes across the globe 
RES 248 – ENL 287

💙 Joined your fellow agents on the ground in Singapore, Rotterdam, Hakodate, or Seattle  
RES 414,7 – ENL 385,3

💙 Or lent your support as a remote helper in any way – whether through intel, marketing, recharging, organizing, strategizing, or simply cheerleading (and many more roles)

Even though we didn’t clinch the series this time, every contribution, no matter how small, strengthened our unity and resolve. As we look ahead to the next series, Erased Memories, we carry with us all the positives and lessons learned, ready to rise stronger together. This is not the end, but a reminder of our tenacity and the power of community.

🔗Find full score breakdown here!